Saturday, July 7, 2012

And so it begins...

            As ridiculous as it may sound, I have spent weeks (perhaps months?) deciding what to blog about. I brainstormed. I listed. I organized. I rearranged. I asked for opinions from bloggers whose writings I adore. I have read and researched blogs until my eyes glazed over and I realized I hadn’t taken a deep breath in more than an hour. Why? Because I didn’t just want to be another blip on the screen that is the World Wide Web. I didn’t just want to write about my boring life for all my relatives to read. I wanted to have something important to talk about. Now, I’m not sure if that’s what I’ll achieve here, but I finally decided to JUST DO IT (thank you Nike).
In my research to determine whether this was something I really could do, I turned to some blogs that I noticed were among the popular in places like Pinterest and “Babble’s Top 50 Mom Blogs!” Stay-at-home-moms turn moguls with their blogs; blogs displaying their crafts, decorating skills, hairstyles, fashion, organizing and cooking magnificence. Less extravagant moms thrive on a special kind of mommy angst and make a living because of the blunt truths they speak regarding the many taboos of motherhood (heaven forbid you breastfeed in public!!!). Unfortunately for me, I am not particularly crafty, I can’t even do my own hair or dress myself stylishly, I am less than gifted in cookery (although I try), and guess what, I have little to no angst (depends on the day). And when I tried to write lists of what I do have notable talent/inspiring personality in, I came up short.
Don’t get me wrong. I spent 5 years at college learning how to do things like photography, art, and teaching preschool (random?). Heck, I’ve even been a wife for 5 years and a mother for 4 years, but I have a hard time convincing myself that my experience in those areas adds up to a “mentor level.” In fact, the more lists I wrote trying to come up with a great blogging idea, the more I realized how unfortunately, dismally, and utterly inexperienced I am. Hence was born my blog theme.
            So, from the exotic depths of my inexplicable lack of experience in absolutely everything (I mean, I am 24, shouldn’t I know it all by now? I had such inspiring plans when I was 12) comes the writing you will find here. Love me or hate me, my words will dribble/slosh/spill forth as I try new things, go outside my (large) box of ignorant bliss, and struggle to stay afloat on this ocean of life. I hope that my honest blogging (if there is such a thing) of my epic fails and modest wins will enlighten and inspire you, or perhaps just leave you snickering. Catch ya on the flip side.

-          Kayla

P.S. Obviously I’m still tweaking things with the blog design. Don’t let it scare you if you come back next time around and it looks a little more… awesome!


  1. Yay! Kayla! Welcome to the blogging world! You've already started off great! :)

  2. I love it!!! well.. my blog is pretty much just for friends and relatives. lol. But maybe someday I'll write something great.. if you inspire me!!! :) so keep it up. and visit our blog.
